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It's a New Day in Public Health.

The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.

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Mobile Home & RV Parks

Environmental Health

Mobile home parks, RV parks, and recreational camps are licensed annually by the Florida Department of Health, in accordance with Chapter 64E-15, F.A.CRoutine inspections are conducted for drinking water, sewage and solid waste disposal, fire protection, and insect and rodent control. The objective of this program is to minimize the risk of injury and illness in this residential environment. 

Apply for a New Permit

Complete an Application for Mobile Home Park, Mobile Home Park Housing Migrant Farmworkers, Lodging Park, Recreational Vehicle Park and Recreational Camp and submit it, along with a plan of your park, information on the water system, the sewage disposal system, any swimming pools and the required permit feeThe plans for a new park or camp must be drawn to scale and include:

  • Area and dimensions of the tract of land
  • Space number or other designation of the space
  • Location and size of all proposed mobile home, recreational vehicle, or tent spaces
  • Location of roadways
  • Location of any added service buildings

The permit fee is based on the number of spaces your park has. Contact us to receive a calculation of the permit fee for your proposed facility.

File a Landlord-Tenant Complaint

For complaints or questions regarding lot rental agreements and prospectus, or landlord and tenant issues under Chapter 723, F.S.:

Helpful Resources

The Florida Association of RV Parks and Campgrounds

Mobile Home/RV Park Resident Emergency Preparedness Toolkit 

Mobile Home/RV Park Owner/Operator Emergency Preparedness Toolkit 

Additional Information

For additional information, visit the Florida Health Mobile Home and RV parks website.